The Fascinating History of Coffee

The Fascinating History of Coffee

How Java Became the World’s Most-Consumed Beverage On September 29, the United States and Canada will pay homage to the humble coffee bean. Two days later, people around the world will celebrate International Coffee Day. How did this unassuming berry come to be the...
What’s Cooking on the Grill This Summer

What’s Cooking on the Grill This Summer

Some Fun Ways to Heat Up Your Outdoor Eats This Year You love spring, summer and fall because you can fire up the grill whenever the weather allows. Is there anything you can think of that doesn’t taste better when cooked outside? For that matter, is there anything...
It’s Maple Syrup Time!

It’s Maple Syrup Time!

It’s Peak Season to See How Maple Syrup Is Made Is there anything in nature that compares to maple syrup? Talk about an all-natural product that makes everything a whole lot better. The next 60-75 days, from mid-to-late February until the end of April, are the heart...
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