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Does fall have you tired? Lucky for us, on November 1st at 2 a.m., our clocks “fall back” and we gain an extra hour of sleep. This change allows for more sunlight during the day, so you can wake up to a bright sky. “Falling back” on time is easier on our bodies than “springing forward”, as you can find yourself naturally waking up earlier and more rested.

Along with remembering to turn back any manual clocks that won’t change by themselves, the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission recommends using this time to make sure vital devices in your home are in working order. Check and change the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors to keep yourself, and your home, safe. This easy task can lead to avoiding any possible property damage. It is also a good time to make sure you are stocked up on anything you might need in the upcoming winter months in case of an emergency. A basic kit filled with batteries, a charged portable charger for your devices, a flashlight, and a first aid kit can come in handy during severe weather.

Fun fact: did you know Hawaii and Arizona do not follow daylight savings time?

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