Holiday Recognizes Key Role Women Play in Our Lives and Society

Nearly two hundred years ago, in Seneca Falls, New York, approximately 200 women from across the country gathered to discuss the rights of women. Conference leaders Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, both staunch abolitionists, used the gathering as a springboard to fight for women’s right to vote, eventually succeeding with the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution in August, 1920.

In 1971, then Representative Bella Abzug (D-NY) introduced a bill to commemorate the certification of the 19th Amendment by designating August 26 every year as “Women’s Equality Day.” Congress passed the law in 1973.

The 2023 Theme for Women’s Equality Day

This year, organizers are focusing on ways to accelerate the equality and empowerment of women in our culture. They say that, though there have been strides, there are still many ways in which women are denied equal access. They point to the pivotal role women have played in the history of the United States, from Amelia Earhart’s non-stop trans-Atlantic flight (she was the second human being ever to do so) to Rosa Parks’ heroic stand on a bus in Montgomery to Sally Ride’s jaunt into space.

Ways to Celebrate Women’s Equality Day

Here are some suggestions to help make certain that you take steps to promote women’s equality this year:

  • Set up a mentoring program—The corporate world may be the arena where women have made the least strides toward equality. Less than 5% of Fortune 500 CEOs are female. One of the most effective ways to change this is through mentoring and leadership.
  • Take action to reduce poverty among women—A recent study found that more than 10% of women in the United States live below the poverty line. Many of them lack the basic necessities, such as food, clothing, shoes, diapers and sanitary pads. Organize a collection drive at your office, church or in your neighborhood.
  • Give your time to a women’s organization—Many of the agencies and non-profits that promote women’s equality are consistently short-staffed. Even a couple hours of volunteer time can make a huge difference.
  • Recognize women in your organization—Have a ceremony and honor some of the women who have been integral to your success.



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