Steps You Can Take in the Dead of Winter to Increase This Year’s Harvest

Is there anything that tastes better than a fresh tomato just off the vine? Or a crisp cucumber right from the garden? In the dark days of winter, the idea of fresh vegetables can feel like little more than a dream. But there are things you can do now to get ready for growing season, so that this year’s crop will be tasty and plentiful.

 Things You Can Do Outside

So there’s snow on the ground and you can’t break it with a pick axe. That doesn’t mean you can’t start getting your outdoor garden ready. Here are some things you do now to get a jumpstart on a great garden:

  • Erect a cold-frame raised bed—Think of it as a miniature greenhouse. It can be constructed of wood or maybe even corrugated tin. To get the greenhouse effect, simply put plastic or glass across the top, so that you get the benefit of late winter or early spring sunshine. If you really want6 to go all out, you can put a space heater inside the cold-frame and turn it into a hotbed.
  • Heat up the soil—There are ways you can warm up the soil, so that you can plant a little earlier. The simplest way is with black plastic garbage bags, which will take in the heat from the sun and warm the ground, often to a depth of 6-12 inches. When the snow melts, you’ll find it easier to break ground and plant seeds.

Things You Can Do Inside

Serious gardeners never wait to plant seed until the outside weather permits. That will cost you precious growing time. Instead, find a space inside your home that gets a lot of sun during the day and plant seeds in small pots. When the time is right, you can transplant them outdoors. You don’t need to spend a lot of money for fancy pots, either. Save your empty egg cartons or even use some old ice cube trays.

Under the right conditions, you can start just about any fruit or vegetable inside, but some of the easiest are carrots, peppers, tomatoes and virtually any type of herbs (which can often be grown year-round inside!).

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