Some Simple Strategies for Sticking with Your Intentions

Ever made a New Year’s resolution and broken it? Might actually be easier to remember one that you actually kept. Most of us start the new calendar year with the best of intentions, and very few of us can stick to our commitments for any meaningful length of time. How can you change that? What are some things that you can do to give yourself a better chance of following through with desired life changes?

First and Foremost—Don’t Try to Do Something That’s Not Realistic

Setting unrealistic or unreasonable goals is an almost guaranteed recipe for failure. The two words most commonly associated with unrealistic resolutions are “always” and “never.” When you leave yourself no wiggle room, you really give yourself only two options—succeed or fail. Instead, create goals that run along a spectrum. Try to be better at something, rather than trying to eliminate or guarantee something.

Have a Plan and Put It in Writing, If Possible

Studies consistently show that the more specific and concrete your goals are, the more likely you’ll be able to attain them. When you’re doing that, though, make your goals graduated, rather than all or nothing. Set intermediate goals and if you meet them, push the envelope a little bit more.

Know What Your Challenges Will Be

Be prepared for the things that will get in the way of reaching your goals. Create a list of the challenges you expect to face. Have a plan for what you will do when you confront those situations.

Don’t Go It Alone

As with anything, there’s strength in numbers. Share your goals with those closest to you. Then, when you are struggling to stay with the program, you’ll have another person to cheer you on or help you refocus. Ideally, you’ll find someone whose resolutions are similar to yours, where you can be a source of support to each other.

Be Good to Yourself

Reward yourself when you reach an interim goal, and don’t beat yourself up if you struggle. Often, making long-term constructive changes in your life is primarily about your mental attitude. Stay positive and you’ll have a better chance of staying on track.

New Year’s resolutions can be difficult to keep, but there are some simple steps you can take to increase your chances of success.


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