Scientific Research Shows that Dogs Bolster Your Emotional Wellness

As dog owners, we all know that physical benefits of man’s best friend:

  • Taking Spot for a walk, even just once or twice a week, gets us out there, too, keeping legs and lungs strong
  • Simply having a dog in the house has been shown to help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, reducing the risk of heart attack and disease, including strokes
  • One study found that dog owners had a significantly reduced risk of death from any cause (24%) than people who didn’t have a canine
  • Research shows that people who have dogs live an average of 2 to 3 years longer that people who don’t

We also know that interacting with our dogs increases our happiness, putting a regular smile our faces. But scientific research shows that dogs can improve our mental health in very tangible ways:

  • People with dogs tend to less affected by stress and anxiety—Stress and anxiety are often amplified when you are alone. A dog offers, in many ways, the best type of company. Your dog will always be there for you, consistently providing unconditional love and affection. They’ll usually listen without interrupting and won’t roll their eyes at you!
  • Pets can help enhance your self-confidence—Pets are the world’s best listeners. In addition, as long as you feed them regularly, show them some love and attention, and let them out occasionally, they’ll think you hung the moon.
  • Dogs can add a much-needed sense of structure and order to your life—Dogs have regular needs to which you must attend. They need to be taken out periodically, they need to be fed regularly, and they’ll often ask for attention. Bringing a dog into your home can help you stay have meaning and purpose to your life. In addition, the ability to successfully take care of the needs of another creature can help keep you grounded.
  • Dogs can help stave off loneliness—A dog can be an amazing companion, giving you love and attention when you need it. A dog can also help you meet other people. Many others (and most dog owners) will want to meet your pooch—in the process, they can meet you.
  • Dogs give you a way to express your love for others—It’s human nature—we all have a lot of love to share. With a dog, you can give almost without end.

Feeling a little down in the dumps? Feeling a bit isolated? Get a dog and improve your mental health!

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