Keeping Christmas Cheer from Bringing You Down

It’s the most wonderful time of the year, right!! Not necessarily. Studies show that the holidays can heighten stress, anxiety and depression, even in people who don’t experience those emotions at any other time of the year. It’s a busier time and a season where we tend to engage in our own version of “comparison shopping,” looking at how our lives compare with others, what our holiday celebrations look like and even the gifts we give and receive. One study by the American Psychological Association found that almost 40% of respondents reported that their stress levels increased around the holidays.

So what can you do to counteract the holiday blues? Here’s what some mental health professionals recommend:

  • Don’t ignore your feelings—A lot of people will tell you that those feelings will simply go away with time…the truth is that they may lessen, but they’ll likely not go away until you acknowledge them. Even then, they may not totally disappear. You may have to actively manage them.
  • Volunteer somewhere—Often, the best way to help yourself is to help others. Scientific studies show that the simple act of volunteering lowers depression.
  • Take care of yourself first—You’ve just spent weeks mostly thinking about the needs of other people. Often, that means you haven’t attended to your own personal needs. Take some time and ask yourself what you need most and be willing to be just a little self-protective. It’s difficult to have good relationships with others if you don’t have a good relationship with yourself.
  • Remind yourself that life is not black and white—Don’t get trapped into believing that things have to be one way or another. The reality is that things are seldom exactly as you envision they will be. Most experiences won’t be as bad or as good as you expect, but somewhere in the middle. Be willing to live in the middle, but strive for the best.
  • Don’t hibernate—Chances are good that you’ve just spent a lot of time indoors with other people. Get out, get some fresh air and get your mind off the daily routine.
  • Be where you are—Forget about the past and don’t worry about what’s going to happen next week. Find as much joy as you can in the present moment, with the people in the room with you.

The Christmas blues are real, but there are ways to keep your spirits up throughout the holidays.

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