Steps You Can Take to Stay Warm and Keep the Utility Bills Down

It’s that time of the year, when the days get shorter, the temperatures start to drop and your heating bills start to climb. It’s also the time of year when your home can be most at risk of damage from the elements. Here are some things you can do in the next few weeks to help manage your utility bills and minimize potential problems.

Protect Your Water Pipes

A frozen water pipe can cause extensive damage. Make certain you turn off the water to all external faucets and open the spigots. If you don’t have a shutoff in the house, it’s probably time to have one installed. If you have water pipes that run along an exterior wall or in a crawl space, they should be insulated. If that hasn’t been done, your best option (short of tearing open walls or going into the crawl space) is to drip the faucets. You don’t need a steady stream…just enough to ensure that the water keeps moving. There are also new types of water pipes and pipe fittings that can expand and contract when water freezes. Check out your local hardware store or call a plumber if you’re looking for a more permanent fix.

Seal Any Cracks

Your doors, windows and other openings have probably been caulked in the past, but caulk can quickly become dry and brittle, causing cracks that allow cold air into your house. Check to see if a new layer of caulk needs to be applied. Self-adhesive weather stripping and plastic on the insides of windows can also be highly effective.

Clean Your Gutters Before the Snow Hits

If your gutters are full of leaves, they will collect moisture and create ice dams when the cold weather arrives. After the last of the leaves have fallen, make certain that the gutters are empty. Better yet, install a gutter guard, which will prevent leaves from collecting in the first place.

Have Your HVAC Serviced Before the Winter Weather Arrives

A professional can diagnose any potential problems, so that you take preemptive measures and don’t need to call in the dead of winter. Your HVAC guy will also ensure that filters have been changed and can typically help you program your heating for maximum efficiency.

Trim Trees and Bushes Near the House

Winds tend to be stronger in winter conditions. If you have dead branches or a tree that’s seen better days, you should consider bringing in a specialist to remove anything that might fall on the house in a windstorm.

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